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Core Values and Organization

Core Values

Gratitude, Creativity, Guidance, Service, Vitality

Academic Goals

  1. Integrate school resources to create a warm and friendly campus life environment.

  2. Implement performance evaluation to strengthen the organizational structure and improve work efficiency of student affairs.

  3. Promote service learning to instill values of empathy and community service.

  4. Foster diversity and cultivate a spirit of student self-governance and legal awareness.

  5. Provide career counseling to facilitate students' adaptive development and self-realization.

  6. Enhance the role of mentors and build strong, friendly, and trusting teacher-student relationships.

  7. Implement moral education to nurture diligent and humble citizens.

  8. Promote academic digitization to strengthen the functions of clubs and dormitory services.

  9. Plan for organizational learning to enhance the professional capabilities of student affairs and counseling.

  10. Promote physical and mental well-being, shaping students' abilities for self-managed health.



Yi-Yo Kuo 

Dean of  Student Affairs

Division Chief of Education of Aboriginal Students Division                                            

Phone: 02-29089899#2301

Email : yiyo@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Chin-Lung Chen

Associate Dean of  Student Affairs

Division Chief of  Military Training and Education

Phone: 02-29089899#2303

Email : lung@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Yu-Wei Cheng

Division Chief of  Discipline Division

Phone: 02-29089899#2304

Email :yuweicheng@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Chin-Lung Chen

Division Chief of  Student Counseling Division

Chief of   Resource Classroom 

Phone: 02-29089899#2321

Email : flora0505@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Laing-Jung Chien

Division Chief of  Extracurricular Activity Division

Phone: 02-29089899#2341

Email : ljchien@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Derek Wang

Division Chiefof  Alumni Service Division

Phone: 02-29089899#2367

Email : wang-derek@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Ding Yang Hsu

Division Chief of  Health Service Division

Phone: 02-29089899#2372

Email : hsuchiapin@mail.mcut.edu.tw