
因應中度颱風「凱米」來襲宿舍行政公告,請全體師生查照。Administrative Notice Regarding the Arrival of Moderate Typhoon “GAEMI” for Dormitory Students and Staff

最後更新日期 : 2024-07-23





五、留宿期間如遇突發狀況,請先行向各舍舍監反應或撥打校安中心專線  (02-2903-8713)與值班教官聯繫。



 1. The Central Weather Bureau has issued a land typhoon warning at 11:30 AM today (7/23).
 2. The New Taipei City Government has announced the suspension of work and classes tomorrow (7/24) at 8:00 PM tonight.
 3. Tonight’s roll call is canceled. Students who wish to return home should do so as soon as possible for safety reasons. Before leaving the dormitory, make sure to close all windows and doors tightly and turn off water and electricity. Students who wish to stay at the school must register at the dormitory supervisor’s office by 10:00 PM today to facilitate the supervisor’s understanding of the number of people and contact situation.
 4. Additionally, the restaurant is not open during the summer break. Students staying in the dormitory should prepare their own drinking water and dry food and reduce outings. If you need to go out, please bring rain gear and pay attention to safety.
 5. In case of emergencies during the stay, please report to the respective dormitory supervisors first or contact the school security center at (02-2903-8713) to reach the duty officer.
 6. Any further matters will be announced separately.

Student Discipline Division, Office of Student Affairs
